short makes for a more readable site. Maybe a rule of thumb can be: when you see a scrolling bar appear in the main text box, it's time to go to the extended text box. I know the proprietors can take what liberties they feel they deserve, … [Read more...]
A politician to be proud of
Mr. Paulson has said that when he arrived in Washington, he was surprised to discover Mr. Frank's keen understanding of Wall Street, given his lack of work experience in the private sector. In an interview, Mr. Paulson said he had enjoyed … [Read more...]
No Earth Day on BMG?
What I did in the last year to benefit the environment: --started using cf bulbs --started recycling, big time --when doing dishes, turn water off when not rinsing. --turn off lights not in use --turn off computer when leaving office --when … [Read more...]
Another bad story for the House
Phantom voting? Is someone keeping a scorecard on the negative stories that are coming out about the House and its members in the last few months? Can someone with experience in the chamber explain how easy or hard it might be to eliminate … [Read more...]
Tribute to Charley (not snark)
I only meant to suggest certain possibilities about the situation in order to provoke an answer. I will let it pass now. There are no hard feelings on this end. Whatever is on your end, I accept as the consequences of my posts. Please stop … [Read more...]
Deval’s NY trip: two weeks early
The Governor should be travelling to New York this thursday to support the state university's basketball team as it plays for the NIT championship at Madison Square Garden. Last night, UMass beat two time NCAA defending champion Florida in … [Read more...]
The suddenly rhetorically challenged Obamas
If it can be done, forget who Bill Kristol is just long enough to consider that his review here might be right. "...they're running against the status quo ... You have to be careful not to let that slide into a kind of indictment of … [Read more...]
Beyond this week, Take II
Did anyone seriously expect Hillary to win after sunrise today with all the polls going heavily the other way? Sure, it's always a possibility, but did anyone EXPECT it to actually happen? Like you would have put money on it? … [Read more...]
Beyond this week
It's an interesting scenario. Both Clinton and Obama appear to each have enough between numbers, money and organization to keep up a fight. And if you mix early results so far with poll numbers coming (even adjusted a bit for momentum), … [Read more...]
Christmas music, war and injured soldiers
"Christmas In Fallujah" Words & Music By Billy Joel Preformed By Cass Dillon 2007 It's Evening In the Desert I'm Tired and I'm cold But I'm just a solder I do what I am told We Came with the Crusaders to save the holy land … [Read more...]