The gist is that we have less poor kids than other states, but they do worse here, compared to other states. I wonder about the validity or value of the study, being based simply on interviews. Wouldn't it be better to use factual … [Read more...]
Fuddy Duddy primary shaping up
Keller, appears ready to throw his hat into the ring against Obama, aftertig and a Reuters reporter by the name of Belinda Goldsmith for President of the Fuddy Duddy Society.Goldsmith has not formally announced, but her article linked in … [Read more...]
Obama = fuddy duddy
Yeah, someone's got to be an adult, I suppose. And yes, a mockery was being made of the process. Still, Obama goes down a few points in my book for putting in an effort to keep Stephen Colbert off of the South Carolina ballot. Why couldn't … [Read more...]
Someday I Will
It's not a political site, but it's has political posts, along with a variety of other things.It's probably not all interesting to anyone but me. But it's mine and it's there.It's called "Someday I … [Read more...]
UMess again? Or justice by any means neccesary?
Awaiting speculation/information about how this changes the reorganization of the UMass system. Governor Deval Patrick today named five new members to the University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees, including former chairman … [Read more...]
BMG mini-census w/poll
There was a recent post and discussion about activism among 30-somethings. It got me to wondering; what's the age breakdown among regulars here?This can be done anonymously, right? I was taught never to ask the age of a lady.I … [Read more...]
Early sentence for Vick (from NFL)
Vick has been suspended infefinitely, without pay, by the NFL Commissioner. He had been on sort of a paid excused "don't report to camp" thing to this point.Goddell's letter to Vick notifying him of the suspension is pretty blunt. And I … [Read more...]
too much on BMG front page (and Open Thread)
I don't want to be a rules nitpicker, but the posts on the front page seem to be getting very long lately before going below the fold.Can people limit what they put above the fold? I hate scrolling past some of those really long ones.Minor … [Read more...]
someone grab a mirror from the prop dept
I'd say he was reformed from his "Contract with America" days, but in the same article in which Newt Gingrich bemoans soundbite campaigning, he says "These aren't debates," the former Georgia congressman said. "This is a cross between [TV … [Read more...]
Double plus ungood
Christmas in August for Bush, who signs a bill that creates a new law that allows his SS to spy on anyone he feels like without any mamby-pamby legal eggsperts putting in their two cents.Anyone feel safer?Anyone feel watched?What the eff is … [Read more...]