In response to questioning, Sullivan recommended that the Board not make any decisions regarding the charter at this time. Board member Kaplan moved to table discussion for a month pending completion of the investigation. She … [Read more...]
What happens when all charter applications are weak?
Given all the support for charter schools in legislation such as this currently being pushed by the Patrick adminisration as Massachussetts chases the federal Race to the Top dollars, we should be asking who helped Secretary Reville do the … [Read more...]
Help needed seeking injunction: ??? v. Board of Ed
I am not an attorney, which is why I am asking if concerned readers of Blue Mass Group may have some experience to share. Massachusetts General Law reads as follows: Chapter 29: Section 63. Unlawful exercise or departments abuse of power; … [Read more...]
Live From Gloucester – Who will swallow Secretary Reville’s tough pill?
The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education is meeting in Gloucester this afternoon to hear from an independent consultant what options it has with regard to the charter it granted earlier this year for the proposed Gloucester Community … [Read more...]
Local Races – Progressive Democrats of Massachusetts’ Endorsements
PDM Members: This year we stick a toe into the pond of local elections. I am writing to introduce the PDM Quarter Dozen and ask for your help electing these promising progressive Democrats to local office. At our last Statewide … [Read more...]
Democratic Shift
The N.Y. Times has a nice map showing the shift toward the Democrats (including in the states McCain/Palin carried) on a by county basis. Frank Rich had a good analysis of what was about to happen a week and a half before the election. … [Read more...]
Hope vs. Fear
Hope vs. Fear. If you believe that together we can not only can meet the challenges we face, but even make life a little better for most of us along the way, then you choose hope and pull the lever for Obama. If you believe that the best … [Read more...]
Civic Engagement – Gloucester Style
One aspect of "G Cubed" this is particularly noteworthy is the innovative approach we are taking to evaluating candidates. Our questionnaire and interview process is based on the idea of leadership, rather than a list of specific … [Read more...]
Marriage Equality – My View
Americans have a proud history of sharing the benefits of citizenship, though learning to share hasn't always been easy. My ancestors were told "No Irish need apply" when they sought jobs, people once kept slaves, and some of you may … [Read more...]
My answer to John Gabrieli…
Until a few weeks ago, unless the stories in the papers are grossly inaccurate, Chris had no intention of running for Governor. I can only conclude that his nascent campaign is the result of two factors: - Reilly treated him … [Read more...]