WTKK's Egan and Braude had Jay Severin on at the end of their show today and it sounded as if they were ready to call McClain Hospital on Severin to have him involuntarily committed for a 30 day observation. Severin was frothing at … [Read more...]
Time To Bring Back The Fairness Doctrine
Deregulation of radio has worked about as well as the deregulation of the banking and financial industry, that is not at all. It has become glaringly apparent that the radio industry is being held captive by a handful of powerful … [Read more...]
Should The Secret Service Keep A Close Watch On WTKK’s Jay Severin?
Today, Thursday, October 9'th between 4 PM and 5 PM WTKK's afternoon talkmeister, Jay Severin said and I quote, " If Barack Obama wins the Presidency we have to do everything we can to destroy him." This seems to go beyond the usual right … [Read more...]
John McCain … A Man Of Questionable Faith
As the Fundamentalist element of the Republicrat Party gets its fangs out in the next 27 days it is important to restate that John McCain is not a Christian. As reported on the national news this summer although McCain calls himself a … [Read more...]
David Andelmen, aka Phantom "Gourmond", whose ability to scoff a "Free Lunch" or "Free Dinner" is legendary and almost genetically passed down from his old man, Eddie Andelmen, was yapping on Jay Severin's WTKK diatribe on Wednesday that … [Read more...]
Considering the on-going international financial crisis has anyone looked at the calandar? Black Monday, October 29, 1929 - the day the Stock Market crashed [ or as Variety reported 'Wall Street Lays An Egg" ] will be marked 5 Days before … [Read more...]
Where Was Tina Fey Thursday Night Between 9 PM and 10:30 PM
Are we sure we saw the actual Sarah Palin last night? Where was Tina Fey last night between 9 PM and 10:30 PM ? You, know I think Tina Fey would give better answers. Palin's view of the world reminds me of the classic New Yorker cover of … [Read more...]
WTKK-FM 96.9 Offering Free Commercial Time To Local GOP??
WTKK-FM 96.9 is running an interesting promotional ad featuring one of its right wing Republicrat talkers blabbers, Michael Graham...as in 'Crackers'. He announces that he will be speaking at a Plymouth GOP event next week and then asks … [Read more...]
“So Sambo Beat The Bitch” Sarah Palin
"So Sambo beat the bitch!" This is how Republicrat Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin described Barack Obama's victory over Hillary Clinton in a restaurant in Wasilla a few days after Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential … [Read more...]
Sarah “Dear” In The Headlights Interview With Charlie Gibson
If one needs more proof that Sarah Palin is unqualified totally to be Vice President of anything larger than the local Kiwanis Club just look at the Charlie Gibson ABC Interview. Sarah Palin did not even know what the Bush Doctrine of … [Read more...]
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