Forget "Lipstick on a pig" the real pig is John McCain. Remember a few years ago he told what he said was a joke but shows what a pig he is. Going to reprint the "joke" here although it is in extreme bad form but it clearly demonstrates … [Read more...]
The Democrats Have To Attack Sarah “Trailer Park Trash” Palin As If She Were A Man If..
If the Democrats want to win they have got to go after Sarah Palin's equivalent to a man's reproductive parts. She want to play with the men, then she should be fought against like she was a man. But be careful Sarah "Trailer Park Trash" … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin’s Assemblies of God Church Believes Jews Are Non-Believers and Are Punished By God…
WTTK’s Jay Severin Fomenting Race War On Radio
The racial bigot, Jay Severin,nee, James Severino, the afternoon knee JERK Right Wing NUT on WTKK is formenting a race riot. His commercial promotions on Greater Media's owned WTKK have him saying that there will be a Black race war … [Read more...]
Cheers Bar Maid McCain’s VP ???
Did anyone get the same feeling that Sarah Palin is like the rough,crude bar maid in Cheers, Carla Tortelli. She came off like the tough cheap "broads" that John McCain seemed to favor like the stripper he used to date in Florida. … [Read more...]
God Speaks To Sarah Palin and The Wheezers Speak Tonight
Word is that there is a videotape around showing Sarah Palin saying that God told her that we should have the war in Iraq and that we should drill for oil in Alaska. Hmmmm. Very interesting. Funny, The Pope said we should end the war and … [Read more...]
Bristol Palin….Raped?
Does anyone know Bristol Palin's birthday? She is 5 to 6 months pregnant. The age of consent in Alaska is 17 [ 4 if you are a bear or a moose ]. If Bristol Palin had sex with her boyfriend and got pregnant BEFORE she turned 17 Bristol Palin … [Read more...]
“There She Goes ….. Miss Vice President…………”
Where is Bert Parks? Former Miss Alaska and Miss America contestant is John McCain's choice for Vice President of The United States. Can you spell p-a-n-d-e-r-i-n-g. Strike up the band....Here comes Bert Parks. … [Read more...]
Gustov The Guest The Republican Convention Cannot Keep Out
Weather forecasters are predicting a Category 3 Hurricane named Gustov will hit the Louisiana,and the Gulf Coast on Monday just as george bush is speaking before the Republicrats Convention. Looks like weather history may repeat itself. … [Read more...]
KKK Honors………….
Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The East Boston chapter of the Ku Klux Klan announced that former Boston Herald reporter, failed crime author, and nasal nosed WTKK talk show bimbo has accepted the title of Grande Wizardess of the … [Read more...]