CWA District One members showed strong union support for appointing a temporary interim Senator to fill Sen. Kennedy's seat at the Massachusetts legislature's Joint Committee on Election Laws hearing. "With the passing of Sen. Ted … [Read more...]
Telephone workers brief Mass. Congressional Delegation on Verizon’s proposed job cuts
Angry about how a highly profitable corporation like Verizon is threatening hundreds of layoffs, telephone union leaders and some potentially laid off workers held an unprecedented briefing with the staffs of five members of Congress and … [Read more...]
Rep. Markey co-sponsors “Medicare for All” bill
On June 12, Rep. Edward Markey became the seventh member of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation to co-sponsor H.R. 676, the "Medicare for All" approach to health care reform written by Rep. John Conyers. Rep. Markey joins … [Read more...]
Hundreds in Mass kick off campaign for passage of Employee Free Choice Act
"Management constantly threatened our livelihood and our retirement security if we were to form a union," said Kevin Simoneau, a former Comcast field technician who experienced employer intimidation. "Giving us a choice about how to … [Read more...]
Don’t miss the third annual HONK! Festival in Somerville, MA
Mark your calendars for October 11-12th for the third annual HONK! Festival. HONK! is an exciting and eclectic festival that features activist brass band musicians throughout Davis Square in Somerville, MA. This year, organizers … [Read more...]
For Labor Day: Boston-area workers finding new paths to rights and respect
The Employee Free Choice Act would remedy the problem by giving workers a simple one step process to freely choose a union. It would also strengthen penalties for companies that intimidate employees from trying to form unions and provide … [Read more...]
Verizon employment numbers in Massachusetts don’t add up to the secure jobs our communities need
Verizon management recently boasted to the news media about adding new services and new jobs in Massachusetts. On February 28, Verizon announced it "is completing the hiring of an additional 200 union-represented customer service employees … [Read more...]
Solidarity for Verizon worker’s fight to hang flag
Here is the link to the Boston Herals article: And another one about Terry in the Bergen Record: … [Read more...]
Ten years after: Watch this YouTube video about the UPS strike
Aug. 4 marks the 10 year anniversary of the start of the UPS strike! Watch this short inspiring YouTube video about the campaign by UPS Teamsters to win a good contract. The basic lessons of the UPS contract campaign and strike … [Read more...]
Why telephone workers are fighting for the good jobs our communities’ need
For example, thousands of Verizon Wireless and Business employees want the benefits and protections of a union contract, yet management is opposing their efforts to unite in the IBEW and CWA. Employees and customers in Northern New … [Read more...]