the article continues... John Laughlin, political director of the 4,000 member Painters District Council 35, said his union endorsed Christopher Gabrieli in part because of questions about Patrick's summer home.Now that that is cleared up, … [Read more...]
FLASH-> Mass. Democratic Party issues BLAST E-MAIL on Healey SMEAR of Gabrieli…
Additionally all kinds of theories are floating around about why Healey has targeted Gabrieli.The lastest in political circles goes like this:Healey opposition researchers have enough to seriously hinder other campaigns, but came up with … [Read more...]
Weak Debate “Soldiers Field Road Visibility” by Deval Patrick Campaign???
It was close to an hour after most everyone else was there that about 10 to 15 Deval supporters showed up and took possession of the far end by the studio. My numbers are open to contention, but I would put the respective camps at the … [Read more...]
Gabrieli the only candidate “Cool and Calm” through both debates…
AG Tom Reilly's first debate was summed up nicely by the Boston Globe editorial cartoon the day after the first debate. Titled "The Big Dig?" it showed Gabrieli and Patrick looking on as Reilly dug himself into a hole with his attacks on … [Read more...]
Reilly’s “Hard Evidence” that Leak came from Gabrieli… “It’s Common Sense” ???
Chris Gabrieli is too nice of a man to say it so I'll say it. It was irresponsible for the Attorney General to level those charges without a shred of evidence. Here's my common sense approach, "Stick a fork in it." … [Read more...]
Phil Johnston “If anything gets much testier, we’ll have to say something.”
The interesting question is: since that wasn't a "political ad" does the Dukakis campaign watchdog committee have jurisdiction? And even more interesting, is AG Tom Reilly going to listen to anyone regarding how to run his campaign? … [Read more...]
All the Kings Men opens in Massachusetts
Question: Under the current situation, is there one candidate that, due to their own decisions, has put themselves into a potentially precarious position in preparation to run for public office? Im talking about "the elephant in the … [Read more...]
A Failure to Ask Hard Questions???
------------------A failure to ask hard questions Deval PatrickThat had me thinking. Nothing like an election to fully vet a candidate, is there? Chances are both AG Tom Reilly and former Democratic Lt. Governor Nominee Chris … [Read more...]
Reilly Poll Surge and Campaign Trail Milestone???
At the rate he's surging, extrapolating out, he'll be in first place by October 1st, when's the Primary?note: Poll Answer "Declaring the Big Dig a" should read "Declaring the Big Dig a Crime Scene" … [Read more...]