The Boston School Department and the Boston Teachers Union have temporarily broken off negotiations. While many issue remain unresolved and will be going to state-sponsored Mediation, one issue stands out: the issue of excessed (or … [Read more...]
Support Equity—Keep the Cap on Charter School Growth
There are 23 Commonwealth Charter schools housed in Boston. Each is funded on the average per pupil cost for each student enrolled. All told, the money sent from the BPS to charters is closing in on estimated $80 to $100 million (*) per … [Read more...]
The “objective” mess we’re in
The Boston Teachers Union’s discovery of a racial bias against black and Hispanic teachers in the new teacher evaluation system should be a clear warning signal that the rush to implement “objective” evaluation standards may not only result … [Read more...]
Bad Data Makes Bad Policy
To make good public policy, decision makers need reliable and consistent data. That is why yesterday’s Boston Globe’s story about the unreliable data regarding charter school waiting list numbers is important. The inflated charter … [Read more...]
What the BTU Thinks of Extended Learning Time
It’s hard to avoid the discussion of extending the school day. Urban school districts are encouraging it as a means to help close the achievement gaps, parents by and large like it (though a great many insist that it be voluntary for their … [Read more...]
We Can No Longer Do More With Less
Opponents of increasing government investment often adopt the mantra of “doing more with less." When the fiscal climate grew starker, the mantra became louder. But the economy has turned, and now it is time to begin to dig out of the … [Read more...]
Being Part of the Solution
Over the years I have been a frequent reader of the many discussions at Bluemassgroup. Given that there have been a series of education initiatives in Massachusetts during the last several weeks, this is an opportunity to provide my … [Read more...]