New England Cable News and several other media outlets are reporting that Jim Ogonowski has officially abandoned his candidacy for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. "Clearly, we had some issues this week regarding signatures. … [Read more...]
Galvin: I’m taking over Boston elections
From today's Globe:Secretary of State William F. Galvin declared yesterday that he will seize control of the Boston Election Department because the city has repeatedly demonstrated an inability to conduct fair and smooth elections.The … [Read more...]
Governor’s Council?
Is anyone paying attention to the races for Governor's Council?As I understand it, the main purpose of the Council is to confirm judges. In most other places, that would be the Legislature's job, but we still have this Colonial … [Read more...]
Deval, do you have an organization in the North End?
If not, you need one. If so, it needs to do some serious work. I work in the North End. Everywhere I go, I see Healey/Hillman signs. They're all over Hanover Street, where the tourists are. I don't see a single … [Read more...]
Question 1: Wine in Food Stores
Each town and city would be allowed, but not required, to issue at least five such licenses. If the town or city's population is greater than 5000, it can issue an additional license for each additional 5000 people.As you might … [Read more...]
Democratic Unity Rally tonight in Roslindale, 6:30 pm
The Globe's Political Intelligence blog reports:Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino just told The Globe's Donovan Slack that he is hosting a "unity rally" [Wednesday] night and that failed gubernatorial candidates Christopher Gabrieli and Tom … [Read more...]
Bruce Desmond mails a fake jury summons to voters
The outside of the mailing:The inside: … [Read more...]
Galluccio drops out of Senate race
According to both the Herald and the Somerville News, Anthony Galluccio has dropped out of the race for the State Senate seat currently held by Jarrett Barrios.When Congressman Mike Capuano met with Progressive Democrats of Somerville on … [Read more...]
Provost’s and Moroney’s campaign contributions
I took a brief look at Denise Provost's and Elizabeth Moroney's campaign contributions through December 23, in the reports both candidates filed with the state this week. The Moroney report shows 119 contributors, only 9 of whom have … [Read more...]
Anne Paulsen will not run for re-election
Rep. Anne Paulsen, a progressive Democrat who represents Belmont and parts of Arlington and Cambridge, has announced that she will not run for re-election this November.I like the last paragraph of the Alewife article:Paulsen made it clear … [Read more...]