"Look, this is one of the things that just strikes me as another anachronistic holdover, that you can make a decision to drop out at 16, but you can't make a decision to have a drink at 16 or to enlist in the armed forces or to vote," … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs
Joe Biden ⇓ He likes those nice, clean, well-spoken African-Americans (not drooling monsters like Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson). People don't mind this kind of talk from elderly relatives, but from a future … [Read more...]
Fantasy Congress Take II
With the new Congress, FantasyCongress is up and running. It's a rotisserie style action, where your team earns points based on the action of the squad you assemble from the current Congresscritters. Free to join and play.I … [Read more...]
Caucus reports?
Anything interesting happen at your caucus? New faces, old places?Down in my neck of the woods, we barely filled our allotment of delegates, once again mulled how swell it would be if the state party had an event (say, a convention) … [Read more...]
Experience vs. Charisma
First, the experience. Let's look at some recent heroes of left and right, and the length of their public service before their most recent election.*Pres. George Dubya Bush. Six years as Texas governor, which is at best a … [Read more...]
How committed are you for 2008? w/poll
Given the recent discussions about 2008, particularly Obama, Richardson, and Hillary (where are the Edwards people?), I wondered where the community was in their own considerations.I've found that few things deepen my attachment to a … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs
Joe Biden ⇓ He declared, nobody cared.Wesley Clark ⇔ Clark has been seen in SC, and hitting key early states. Clark arguably turns in the best Sunday Morning appearances of the people on this list but barely cracks … [Read more...]
Are you a process liberal? Take this quiz and find out!
1. A police office observes a small group of people taunting an individual with epithets implying that he may be gay. There is a nightspot nearby which is welcoming to people of alternate sexualities which he presumably … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs
Evan Bayh ⇓ Declared that he would not be running.Mark Warner ⇓ Declared that he would not be running.John Kerry ⇓ Kennedy is acting fidgety about him. The dominant narrative of Kerry is still his … [Read more...]
A Reading from the Book of Deval
Will the congregation please take their seats and still their keyboards for the service. Today's reading is from the Book of Deval Chapter 2, Verses 1-9And Lo, as Deval set upon the road to Boston to take his seat, he was besieged by … [Read more...]
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