How 'bout nobody calls the shots -- not the old lunch-bucket Democratic "machine" and not a new liberal Democratic "machine"? How bout we keep focusing on the fact that "engaging new voters" does not mean "bullying people who don't … [Read more...]
Get off yer keister
To some colleagues, I basically said "dont like the whole MCAS/NCLB complex? Stop whining at faculty meetings, get off yer keister and help Deval, who will install a sane regime of measurement as governor." This model can be … [Read more...]
Voted for Dean, Voting for Reilly. Here’s Why
I believe in the value of experience. The Republican Party has invested massive resources to create a "politicians are bad" mentality to excuse their own officeholders incompetence and disregard for public service. This has … [Read more...]
Fun quiz — who said what?
How did you do?You may have recognized a few of these. I was forced to leave out the most Reaganesque of Deval's lines because they contain telltale phrases like "checking out" and "checking in" which I've only heard him use to talk … [Read more...]
No “yeah but” — respect the ballot
The official result of the popular vote on the referendum, duly counted and certified, was to lower taxes to 5%, right or wrong. There wasnt an "if...then" option on the ballot. Nowhere on my ballot did it say "yeah but." … [Read more...]
Politics in Poetics — the Last Ten Days
If politics twere a contact sport round these here parts,Then Septembers the time when the contact really starts.We had everyone goin negative (though "they never started it")And mass confusion over standings till some new polls parted … [Read more...]
RI-Sen prediction thread
Big day today south of the border. While we're dickering around with the governor's seat, in Rhode Island they're making a decision that will have a real impact on the daily lives of all Americans -- whether to help breathe life into … [Read more...]
Taxes: Don’t confuse politics with policy
Fact: 57% of Democrats favor lowering the income tax rate. What do you suppose the numbers are for those unenrolled voters who we need to win in November?Fact: In 2000, voters approved an income tax cut to 5% by an overwhelming … [Read more...]
We have narrative … finally!
Seriously -- Patrick's campaign put out two ads (including the education ad, one of the worst in this campaign in my opinion) before some staffer-with-a-future said "hey, let's put the candidate in front of a camera, and a crowd! He's … [Read more...]
The pull of Sal-n-Trav (quantitative..sorta)
DisclosureI support Reilly, and also like Gabrieli. However, I tried to be rigorous in scoring the candidates, and did not play with the ratings upon seeing the results. This is all first draft.SummaryFrom the conclusion … [Read more...]