In two previous articles, "Maintain Tax Cuts for the Rich? Americans Don't Seem to Buy the Conservative Argument" and the "Efficacy of Tax Cuts Is now Questioned" I laid out two basic premises. One was that a majority of the American people … [Read more...]
Maintain Tax Cuts for the Rich? American’s Don’t Seem to Buy The Conservative Argument
We constantly hear the monotonous refrain from the right that now is not the time to raise taxes, even for the richest Americans, citing that this will somehow threaten the weak and halting recovery. Yet a composite number of 59% of the … [Read more...]
Aiding and Abetting Our Enemies by Burning the Koran: A Postscript
It is noteworthy that General David Petraeus appeared yet again on the evening news last night, repeating his very real concerns and continued dismay over the planned burning of a Koran by Preacher Terry Jones. General Petraeus was emphatic … [Read more...]
Aiding and Abetting Our Enemies by Burning the Koran
The controversy surrounding the proposed and ill conceived burning of a Koran by a preacher named Terry Jones has devolved, to some degree, into an intellectual parlor game as to the rights of this preacher to do, untrammeled, what he … [Read more...]
Where Have all the Libertarian’s Gone?
The late Mary Travers once sang a song called "Where Have All the Flowers Gone? It was a lamentation about the human cost of war and it was a popular protest song during the Vietnam era. Well it seems to me that someone could write a song, … [Read more...]
Who Is Barack Obama: Should We Believe Beck or Limbaugh?
Americans to some degree and particularly those on the Right are now beset by a true conundrum. Is Barack Obama a Christian or a Muslim? According to the latest Pew Research polling: "nearly one-in-five Americans (18%) now say Obama … [Read more...]
Is Sharron Angle Afflicted by Palin Syndrome?
If you close your eyes and listen to Sharron Angle, you might think she is deliberately channeling Sarah Palin. The Tea Party has pinned its hopes on Angle to defeat Harry Reid in the Nevada Senate race and thus far like Palin, when it … [Read more...]
Mislead Enough Already: An Emerging Tea Party Dilemma
Taxes, more than any other issue is what drives the Tea Party movement. Thus those philosophical arguments related to taxation and the resulting size of government constitute the very essence of the rationale for the movement's … [Read more...]
Comedy Central Moves to the Right
I once heard conservative columnist David Brooks refer to a Republican Party political miscalculation as stupidity on stilts. Well, courtesy of the national media, the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has provided a few … [Read more...]
Coming Unhinged On the Far Right: A Postscript
When I wrote my earlier article there were doubters among the readership as to who actually was perpetrating violence against those in Congress who had voted in favor of health care reform. Since that article there continues to be a growing … [Read more...]