Interesting choices by both candidates. … [Read more...]
Doug Belanger Announces for Augustus Senate Seat
Douglas Belanger, Chair of the Leicester Board of Selectmen and Organizing Director for United Food & Commercial Workers Local #1445, has pulled papers and is confirmed as a Democratic candidate for the State Senate seat currently held … [Read more...]
It’s Not Just Faux News. MSNBC uses Osama pic for Obama
Another "mistake" … [Read more...]
Issues in Lori Ehrlich’s Campaign
From the Lynn Item (link below) SWAMPSCOTT - Democrat Lori Ehrlich, who is running for the 8th Essex District seat, will manage her own campaign effective immediately. Sometime over the weekend, Ehrlich severed ties with Ryan Adams, who was … [Read more...]
New South Carolina Primary Numbers
Interesting polling numbers from the Dem and Repub South Carolina primaries were posted on SurveyUSA yesterday. For the Dems, Obama is a clear leader. On the Red side it is Huckabee ahead of a pack. … [Read more...]
A Little Story for the “English Only” Crowd
From today's Boston Herald … [Read more...]
Another Anti-gay Closeted Republican Pol
From CNN … [Read more...]
I know I should let the whole Anne Coulter thing drop
But found this on Youtube and couldn't help myself. … [Read more...]
Blackwater Promo Video
[http://www.liveleak....] … [Read more...]
House Committee Passes Armenian Genocide Resolution over Bush Objections
The House Foreign Affairs Committee just passed the Armenian Genocide Resolution with a 27-21 vote. Democratic Leaders say they will bring the Resolution to the floor for a vote.'s about time (or more correctly, 90 … [Read more...]