While understanding that campaigning in a special election creates conflicts for incumbent elected officials, I must admit that Congressman Markeying missing the vote on the House GOP's bill (HR 1406) to undercut overtime pay for private … [Read more...]
Markey – Lynch Labor Kickoff
Later this afternoon Massachusetts AFL-CIO President Steve Tolman will kickoff Labor's 2013 US Senate Campaign. The downtown Boston event will bring local union activists and leaders together with Congressman Markey . . . and Congressman … [Read more...]
Just Another Reason I Like Mike Capuano
From Congressman Capuano's weekly email update: Shareholder Protection Act This week I reintroduced the Shareholder Protection Act with Senator Robert Menendez, which requires CEOs to seek authorization from a majority of … [Read more...]
Mass Building Trades, 2 other Unions Endorse Lynch
The Massachusetts Building Trades Council AFL-CIO, the statewide coalition of 74 construction unions representing 75,000 workers, formally endorsed Congressman Steve Lynch on February 21st. Joining the state Building Trades Council in … [Read more...]
Contracting out costs Lyons Group $424 k
I keep hearing from the right-wing (and some progressives) about how much money taxpayers would save if we contract out public services. Use the private sector as a model for public sector services they cry. Well in the private sector, … [Read more...]
WBUR Poll Gives Markey Primary Lead 38-31%
BOSTON — A new WBUR poll (PDFs – topline, crosstabs) finds a competitive race between the two Democratic congressmen running in Massachusetts’ special U.S. Senate election. The poll, conducted by the MassINC Polling Group, finds that 38 … [Read more...]
A “tip of the hat”to Congressman Markey
Congressman Markey's public admonishment Stop & Shop's hiring of scabs during tense negotiations with its Unions is welcomed by those of us in the Labor Movement regardless of endorsements in the US Senate race. “Particularly … [Read more...]
Snow Storm Grassroots
I've seen a decent amount of media speculation on Senate candidate organizations' ability to collect nomination signatures in a compressed time period and the impact of Nemo on top of the shorten window. Pleased to see grassroots can grow … [Read more...]
Winslow 99% In Senate Race
News reports put Rep. Winslow close to joining US Senate race (Talking Points Memo): Massachusetts state Rep. Daniel B. Winslow (R) announced Tuesday that he had formed an exploratory committee and is "99 percent" certain that he … [Read more...]
Why I Support Steve Lynch For U.S. Senate
In response to Christopher's challenge to make a pro-candidate statement and jconway's articulate and well reasoned post on his proud support for Congressman Ed Markey, I am proud to support Congressman Steve Lynch for U.S. Senate. First … [Read more...]
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