As the Greenfield Recorder--a paper I only learned existed two days ago--put itself on the map when it reported on Sept. 13th that a journalistic investigation into a claim made by Democrat Chris Hodgkins of being a "top CEO of a Fortune … [Read more...]
More blogging from the Berkshires – State senate, money, and more!
The results spell either trouble or good fortune for the Democrat who emerges from Sept. 19th as the party nominee to challenge Matt Kinnaman, the only Republican in the race:Overall, and again discounting ALL candidate loans, the four … [Read more...]
Tradition Is Never Broken – For Any Reason!!!
Remember when the battle was won and settled by 1930 to maintain the tradition that dated back to the Garden of Eden of permitting at least twelve states of the United States to allow their 14 year old teenage boys to marry their 12 year … [Read more...]