Come on Deval debate The Lt.Governor one on one.Stop ducking and sitting on your lead, and using Christy and Grace as human shields. You might win this race but you are acting like a big chicken!!! The convict suits should be … [Read more...]
Chris Gabrieli for Governor – Don’t beleive the Patrick Hype!!!
We can win!!! … [Read more...]
Congressman McGovern has just fired up the Gabrieli campaign!!
Congressman McGovern is just trying to make a name for himself.I frankly have never heard of him before this blog.The Congressman has been successful in energizing the Gabrieli base down the home stretch.The Congressman will be taking … [Read more...]
No title
http://www.suffolk.e...Rumor has it Gabrilei is up by 4pts in new Suffolk poll. … [Read more...]
What has Dan Payne been smoking?
He says that the Patrick supporters areliberals, gays, black voters, Latino voters environmentalists peaceniks teachers social workers .in short, anybody who cant stand President Bush.The teacher who lives next door to me tells me … [Read more...]
Deval Can’t Take the Heat in the Primary!!!
How on earth is Deval going to take the Republican heat? Could someone please tell me? … [Read more...]
A vote for Patrick is a vote for Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey
Why can't Dems figure this out!! Someone tell me how Deval wins in November with a liberal tag? … [Read more...]
The Boston Globe drank the Kool-Aid and forgot about Arnall, Kerry and Ameriquest
In an editorial endorsement that exhausts the vitae of Deval Patrick, the Globe failed to make any mention of the candidates connection to Ameriquest, the notorious mortgage company saddled with countless allegations of … [Read more...] Gabrieli takes Boston Magazine poll in a landslide
Note (by David): the Boston Magazine "poll" is a totally unscientific internet question in which any respondent can vote as often as he/she likes. BMG recommends use for entertainment purposes only!Who will you vote for in the … [Read more...]
Lowell Sun Poll –Gabrieli has momentum
The results are in and should be posted in the Lowell Sun tomorrow.I spoke with the paper last night and it looks as though the momentum continues for Gabrieli in this latest poll.43% Chris Gabrieli38% Deval Patrick 19% Tom Reilly … [Read more...]