Frank Skeffington must be a paid consultant or related to one of the candidates because he is relentless in his attacks against Deb. Deb Goldberg is a leader and has demonstrated this trait in the private sector and as a Selectmen in … [Read more...]
Money and campaigns( Deval stop crying)
What would you rather have? A candidate who spends his own money on a campaign and is beholden to no one or a candidate who puts the millions of Coke, Ameriquest, and Texaco into the campaign and is beholden to the vested interests … [Read more...]
The Kool -Aid Factor
The Kool-Aid must be wearing off. Deval is dropping fast.7News--Suffolk. Gabrieli 32Patrick 24Reilly 20Undecided 24Gabrieli seems to be taking over this race Poor Reilly seems to be out of it. … [Read more...]
“I can hear the justice in his voice” The smoke and mirror campaign
What!!"I can hear the justice in his voice"Could a Deval supporter explain what the heck that means? I wonder what the victims of his corporate board would say about justice?Deval Patrick commercials seem to be all about … [Read more...]
Values and character count
I believe values and character should mean something in this race for Governor.Chris Gabrieli started his own non-profit foundation devoted to expanding after school programs for children. I feel as though Deval Patrick … [Read more...]
Phil Johnston needs to chime in about Killer coke, Texaco, Ameriquest
Phil Johnston and the Democratic state committee need to get this election back on the issues that matter most to voters.If this does not happen the Republicans will win in November. Phil Johnston needs to do his job.. … [Read more...]
Deval Patrick must drop out of race–We need to focus on issues.
I'm calling on Deval Patrick to drop out of this race for Governor. Democratic issues are being lost in the media because of Deval's involvement in corporate boards. These distractions are hurting the Democratic effort. I want to hear about … [Read more...]
RASMUSSEN POLLS RESULTS: Great news for Democrats
This poll clearly indicates that Chris Gabrieli has the largest lead of the three Democratic candidates running for Governor. Chris Gabrieli leads Kerry Healey by 20 percentage points in the latest poll. This is up from … [Read more...]
A vote for Patrick is a vote for Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey
A vote for Patrick is a vote for Healey.The writing is on the wall here. If the Democrats support Patrick it will be smooth sailing in November for the Republicans.I'm very disturbed at the latest article on Mr. Patrick.How would he defend … [Read more...]
Too Left for me– Deval Patrick can’t win
Why do the Dems always shoot themselves in the foot by supporting big liberals like Deval Patrick? Deval is so far removed from the mainstream and reminds me of Dean.Like Dean, Deval is a great speaker but I often find him a … [Read more...]