Today’s Globe ran a front page story about how Elizabeth Warren’s determination to speak truth to power earned her the ire of not only the GOP, but some high-ranking democrats as well (“Warren’s Star Rose in D.C. Battles”.) This got my wife … [Read more...]
Why does Romney hate the Anglo-Saxon model so?
Yes, Willard really said this. Think he's sizing up the UK for a Bain takeover? "England [sic] is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the … [Read more...]
The Romney Economic Recovery Plan: Just Host The Olympics!
The Esquire Politics Blog pulled this one out of the archives and I've liberated it, liberally. Read more: In 2002, investigative reporters Donald Barlett … [Read more...]
Scott Brown is too important to talk to the people; so he gets Dan-the-idea-man-Winslow to do it for him.
Scott Brown voted against the DISCLOSE ACT yesterday. But Dan Winslow, R-Norfolk carried the water for him, saying, with knotted brow, that Elizabeth Warren's supposed lack of openness about her background was "deeply troubling." He then … [Read more...]