The Williamstown Democratic Town Committee has endorsed a bill (SD285) filed in the Massachusetts State Senate by Mike Barrett (D-Lexington) that would impose a revenue-neutral carbon fee that is reimbursed to households and businesses. We … [Read more...]
Not So Wicked Smaht: Boston’s Olympic Hopes
By Frank Deford, NPR, Jan. 14 Oh, poor Boston. Where is Paul Revere when we need him to alert the citizenry? The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is coming! The International Olympic Committee is coming! Boston, lock up your … [Read more...]
Liz Gives Important Speech at AFL-CIO Summit
As The Nation just reported: "If you want to understand the coming intra-party battles on economic issues between progressive Democrats and their moderate colleagues—which will no doubt bleed into the 2016 Democratic presidential … [Read more...]
Tip Your Hat to Liz
Time for New Blood in the U.S. Senate Leadership …
... and that means our own Elizabeth Warren should be given new authority to steer the party. Clearly, current leadership has failed mightily: a) in pushing a Democratic agenda in the Congress; b) recruiting top-notch candidates; and c) … [Read more...]
One Doctor’s View of Charlie Baker
A friend, Dr. Stan Shapshay of Richmond, MA, wrote this powerful letter to the editor of the Berkshire Eagle earlier this week. He OK'd my posting it on BMG. I was practicing medicine in Boston when Charlie Baker "saved" Harvard Pilgrim … [Read more...]
The Senator and the Governor
If you voted for someone other than Martha Coakley in the recent primary – or didn’t vote at all – take a look at Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s endorsement of Martha on YouTube. I learned something, and I think you will, too. As the … [Read more...]
Just Another Scott Brown
By Lee Harrison, member Democratic State Committee Back in 2010, when Tea Party Republican Senator Mitch McConnell declared, “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president,” he was … [Read more...]
Vote Markey, Help Warren
By Lee Harrison, member, Democratic State Committee If you’re reading this, chances are pretty good that you voted for Elizabeth Warren last November. I’m proud to say I was part of that majority, and that’s part of the reason I’m … [Read more...]
So What Are We Really Voting For, Anyway?
By Lee Harrison, member, Democratic State Committee and former Chair, Berkshire Brigades, the countywide Democratic organization “Professor Warren,” Republican Scott Brown snarked during their Springfield debate, “I suggest you put down … [Read more...]