There's been rampant speculation over the internet that S. Joe Wurzelbacher is a 'close relative' to Robert Wurzelbacher of Milford, OH, a son-in-law of Charles Keating who served time in the early '90s as a result of the S&L fiasco. … [Read more...]
Editorial: Kerry owes voters more than a 30-minute debate
Gloucester Daily Times wants more than a token debate: Edward O'Reilly, the Gloucester lawyer who's running against U.S. Sen. John Kerry in the Sept. 16 Democratic primary, wants two more debates with his opponent. Don't hold your … [Read more...]
Best Speeches of Night 2?
I'd give it to Kucinich. They should have given him primetime. Brian Schweitzer had some great lines and some good delivery points, but was rather long-winded and repetitive. Kudos to Hillary for giving a good speech and taking one for … [Read more...]
Wonkalicious look at income data
It's hard to pin-point a singular reason why income is stagnant in this country, but I think it is safe to say that economic gains in this country are not being equally distributed. Tax policies favoring the rich compound this effect. … [Read more...]
The Underdog: Orozco v. Brown
The two candidates are, like the two parts of their district, ideologically split on almost every issue. With such a clear-cut distinction, in one of the few competitive races in the state, you might imagine that Democrats and progressive … [Read more...]
DNC Themes & VP Tea Leaves
The following convention themes have been unveiled: Monday: One Nation Tuesday: Renewing America's Promise Wednesday: Securing America's Future Thursday: Change You Can Believe In Globe sez Michelle O and Nancy P will speak Monday. Hillary … [Read more...]
John McCain’s Wiki- Foreign Policy Knowledge
More from the most stupidly entertaining Presidential campaign in modern history: link from Political Insider: A Wikipedia editor emailed Political Wire to point out some similarities between Sen. John McCain's speech today on the crisis in … [Read more...]