Next Tuesday is the date for the primaries (which will likely decide who fills the seat) in three districts: Suffolk 12th (Dorchester, Roxbury, Mattapan, Milton - Tom Finneran's old district), Suffolk 18th (Brighton, Allston, Brookline), … [Read more...]
FEC May Regulate Bloggers
The full article, as published on Cato's website, is as follows:Bloggers BewareJohn Samples is director of the Center forRepresentative Governmentat the Cato Institute and co-editor ofTheRepublican Revolution 10 Years Later: Smaller … [Read more...]
Lipstick on a Silver pig
Well, I had my first Silver Line ("Bus Rapid Transit"?) experience last weekend, going to the Plaza Theater in the South End (motto: "You Can't Get There from Here"). I'm sure you'll be shocked, just shocked to hear … [Read more...]
More on the state party’s rule changes
In Googling around for more information on the Massachusetts Democratic Party's rule changes, I happened upon this Phoenix article from almost exactly a year ago. Very interesting. The rule changes that the party adopted … [Read more...]
Environment: Bush’s iceberg of denial floating away
From MyDD, some terrific news indeed:President Bush's bid to rewrite the nation's air pollution laws groundto a halt in Congress Wednesday when Republicans were unable toovercome objections in the Senate Environment and Public … [Read more...]
Willard’s Numbers Slip
A new poll of 404 state residents by the State House News Service finds that Willard's recent embrace of the hard religious right has not gone down well in the Bay State. A majority of those surveyed, 56.3 percent to 38.1 percent, disagreed … [Read more...]
Herald misses the point on stem cell funding
The Boston Herald has been pretty good lately on the question of stem cell research - and they've been particularly good at calling Romney out on his posturing. So today's editorial is a disappointment. The Herald's view, … [Read more...]
Who’s looking out for you?*
Not the Democrats. Not today.As is being noted all over the blogosphere, many Senate Democrats buckled to the moneymen, and gave a pass to the absolutely misanthropic bankruptcy bill today. Now it's going to be a lot harder for folks to … [Read more...]