Presenting religious music in the concert hall can be awkward, primarily because its message is overtly religious - consider the Mass text, which has been set countless times by countless composers and is frequently performed in concert, … [Read more...]
Economic Crisis Warning Lights Blinking
It's the looming presence of this potentialcrisis that brings Walker to this office every day, Macleans writes, through the doorwaywith the words "Honesty Accountability Reliability" inscribed above, inhopes that someone will … [Read more...]
Bubble bubble toil and trouble
Well, we're not the only place with an apparent housing bubble, er, bull market.In contrast, America's housing bubble continues to inflate. Although the rate of increase slowed in the fourth quarter, prices were still up by 11.2% over the … [Read more...]
GOP: truly the party of the rich and irresponsible
Bankruptcy law is not usually a very sexy topic, but it's hot in Washington right now. The bankruptcy "reform" bill that the big banks and credit card companies have been pushing for years is approaching final passage. … [Read more...]
Herald blasts Romney on stem cell issue
In no uncertain terms, the conservative Boston Herald has lambasted Governor Romney's turnabout on stem cell research. Today's editorial in the Herald calls Romney an "ostrich with head firmly planted in the sand." It … [Read more...]
Terrible poll numbers for Romney
A new poll by the State House News Service shows that, if the election for Governor were held today, Tom Reilly would trounce Mitt Romney, 49.1% to 39.6%. There's lots more bad news for His Excellency in the poll: 56.3% of the poll's … [Read more...]
One foot out the door already.
I almost snorted coffee out my nose seeing this week's Phoenix: ROMNEY SHOULD RESIGN: Given Romney?s almost nonexistent record of accomplishment, it?smind-boggling that he?s now turned his attention to the White House. Sobe it. Three years … [Read more...]
McCain-Feingold takes on the bloggers
Via Taegan Goddard, check out this interview with a member of the Federal Election Commission. Current FEC regulations pretty much exempt anything that happens on the internet from campaign finance law (excluding, obviously, online … [Read more...]