This interesting article in the New Yorker about ultra-geniuses Albert Einstein and Kurt Gödel is well worth reading (it's in part a review of Rebecca Goldstein's new book called "Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt … [Read more...]
Thinking strategically on gay marriage
Lots of interesting news on the gay marriage front this week. Item the first: the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has agreed to hear a constitutional challenge to the infamous 1913 law that is being used to bar out-of-state gay … [Read more...]
The WSJ and PlameGate
The notorious editorial page of the Wall Street Journal has weighed in on Novak-Plame-gate. And it's a pretty funny piece - a tour de force, really, although they'd probably hate the use of a French phrase to describe their … [Read more...]
Phoenix on 18th Suffolk race
Must-read about the Allston-Brighton-Brookline State Rep race in this week's Phoenix. Lots of helpful information about the candidates, including a bit of personal texture, e.g.:"With his unsettlingly intense demeanor ? he looks like … [Read more...]
Our unprincipled Governor
I've been trying to write a post on Romney's pandering to the right for days now, and I keep getting so angry that the post becomes incoherent. So I'm trying a new approach, just letting his own words do the work.Read this, from … [Read more...]
Summers plays the Fool
I may get pilloried for saying this, but I kind of like having Larry Summers around. He's useful, kind of like the Fool in King Lear, who gets to say the most outrageous and provocative things to the King without fear of reprisal.Now, as we … [Read more...]
Pretty much sums it up, II: Electric Boogaloo
... the local version. Hoo Lordy, this is good. … [Read more...]
Pretty much sums it up
Good old Tom Tomorrow. Click the image for the full-size, ez-2-read version. (Hat tip: Kos.) … [Read more...]