On March 2 the Supreme Court will hear two cases in which the constitutionality of public displays of the Ten Commandments is at issue. The lawyers challenging the displays' constitutionality will be at Harvard Law School this Friday … [Read more...]
MSM under siege
Liberal Oasis has this interesting post on the ass-backwards coverage of Novak-Plame-gate by the mainstream media (MSM): they continue to ignore the real story -- the probably-illegal leaking of a CIA agent's identity for political purposes … [Read more...]
Special Elections and the Post-Finneran Era
Must-read post by Frederick Clarkson on the special primary elections coming up on March 15. (The general is April 12.) The most interesting are the 18th Suffolk district (Allston-Brookline-Brighton), being vacated by Finneran-zombie Brian … [Read more...]
Patrick getting sehrious
Deval Patrick put $100K of his own money into his new campaign coffers. (Thanks to Kristen again.) It'll take more than that to beat Reilly, but then again, it may take more than Reilly to beat Romney.I'm not mature enough to resist the … [Read more...]
Novak-Plame-gate reporters face jail time
The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit today upheld a lower court order holding two reporters, Matthew Cooper for Time and Judith Miller for the NY Times, in contempt of court for refusing to testify about their … [Read more...]
Report: Global warming will flood Boston
Excellent reporting (audio file) on WBUR this morning on the new global warming report (media summary here) commissioned by the EPA, and written by scientists from Tufts, U. Maryland and BU. (See, the EPA hasn't become completely useless … [Read more...]
MSM Bewails Blogs
The mainstream media (MSM) is lamenting the end of its information monopoly caused by the internet. In a piece just published by MSM paragon The New York Times after the resignation of CNN executive Eason Jordan reporters write that … [Read more...]
Lies, damned lies, and intentionally misleading columns by right-wing pundits
Jeff Jacoby's wretched column in Sunday's Boston Globe is an excellent example of the depths to which those who seek to destroy social security will sink in their effort to mislead the public into thinking (a) that social security is in … [Read more...]