Here we go: junk lawsuits. This oughta be good. Wait for it....frivolous class actions and asbestos claims. Well, no specifics so hard to call it a "lie." But I don't think too many small businesses are hit … [Read more...]
Full text of SOTU is available
As we wait to hear the big State of the Union speech, you can prep by reading the "official" text at Americablog. … [Read more...]
LIE blogging the State of the Union
With so many other bloggers out there live-blogging the State of the Union tonight (a few are listed here), it seemed redundant for us to add our voice to the mix. But we had so much fun live-blogging His Excellency's State of the … [Read more...]
The Republican playbook on social security
This link will take you to an excellent resource for the coming debate on Social Security. (Hat tip: TaxProf via ACSBlog.) The 103-page document was prepared by the Chairs of the House and Senate Republican Conferences, Deborah … [Read more...]
Sorry to get all liberal/paternalistic, but I really think we need a law banning cell phone use while driving. Link:A report from the University of Utah sayswhen motorists between 18 and 25 talk on cell phones, they drive likeelderly people … [Read more...]
Mo’ Money Mitt
So the Guvnah has started to, uh, massage* the various parts of the Republican body politic: Friends and supporters of Governor Mitt Romney have established apolitical action committee that has lavished more than $250,000 onRepublican … [Read more...]
Mailbag: Social Insecurity
Well, maybe not a whole bag, but this is from an esteemed reader:If you can get your hands on today's NewYork Times, the Krugman op-ed piece [reg. req'd] is worth a read. He's much tooshrill most of the time, but he makes an essential … [Read more...]
The Social Security Tax Reduction Act of 2005
Here's the basic problem. Everyone agrees that if the system is not adjusted, then at some point many years down the road (2042 or 2052, depending on whose estimates you use), the social security system will not have enough funds to … [Read more...]