We were amused, more than anything else, at the Herald's snippy editorial regarding the controversy over lab workers who got infected with tularemia while doing research at a Boston University laboratory. If the editorial was the only … [Read more...]
Dean Gains Support in DNC Race
DFA said: "This list of supporters signifies that people in every region of the country approve of Dean's vision and structure that he wants to bring to the DNC. "The support of these influential chairs and vice chairs from all … [Read more...]
Stem cell research: MA is further behind than we thought
Thanks to the Globe's editorial board for pointing out that in Massachusetts, research on embryonic stem cells requires the advance approval of the local district attorney's office. This is apparently because of a peculiarity in a … [Read more...]
Safer Without Gays
The Pentagon has fired 37 Arabic translators for being gay, Democracy Now reported last month. In November, CBS News reported that nine Army linguists, including six trained to speak Arabic, had been dismissed from the military because they … [Read more...]
Mr. Patrick: Step AWAY from the consultants. Nice and slow.
The Globe reports that news of Deval Patrick's interest in running for Governor of Massachusetts has caught the eye of the national Democratic party insider types, including Bill Clinton himself. This was to be expected, I … [Read more...]
Dog Paddles O’Reilly’s Ass
Tired of our steady diet of tightly reasoned thought-provoking commentary that reinforced what you already knew? Take a break from your feverish reading of the sports pages in preparation for Sunday's showdown, soak up a bit of bandwidth … [Read more...]
A farewell to arms in the culture wars
Is the Massachusetts legislature ready to beat swords into ploughshares over gay marriage? As I've said before, this really is a time for the proponents of equal marriage rights to de-escalate, and try to lower the political costs for those … [Read more...]
Against BU’s new biolab
OK, let me see if I have this straight. Boston University researchers were working on an unusual but serious and potentially lethal disease called tularemia. Two of them came down with symptoms of -- you guessed it -- … [Read more...]