The predictable standing O, but no hug from DiMasi! Maybe they decided that joke had run its course. Whoops - "state of the Commonwealth." My bad. … [Read more...]
Live-blogging Romney starts in half an hour!
His Excellency's state of the state address begins at 7:30 pm, and we'll be there (well, actually we'll be in front of our TV) bringing you the play by play. We apologize in advance for typos, grammatical errors, etc. that result from … [Read more...]
More doubts about Reilly
Tom Keane writes here in the Boston Herald that the Democrats shouldn't just hand the nomination for Governor to Tom Reilly. Keane is absolutely right about that: Reilly needs to earn it. And Keane aptly describes the problem of … [Read more...]
Live-blogging Romney’s state of the state!
His Excellency the Governor will deliver his "state of the state" address tonight at 7:30 p.m. And, in a first for the Blue Mass. Group, we'll be live-blogging throughout the speech. Among other things, we're looking … [Read more...]
Sleepy, Doc?
The idea that a resident doc is made to work over 30 hours at a stretch is insane and wrong eight ways from Sunday. Is the medical establishment finally... uh... waking up? … [Read more...]
Principalities and Powers
Wow. The always provocative Ed Kilgore at New Donkey almost made my head explode today in this post about the intersection of religion and politics in America.Ed also links to this commentary (LA Times, reg. req'd) by Stephen Prothero of … [Read more...]
Social Insecurity: Grrrrrrawf
Just in case you're new to this blogosphere thing, I gotta say: if you're not reading Josh Marshall's continuing coverage of the Social Security Super Bowl, well hell, you just ain't living. Josh has a hold of this thing like a big dog with … [Read more...]
Jello Pudding Pops for President
Here's an article from Washington Monthly with a slate of non-conventional candidates the Democrats could try to draft for '08: Bill Cosby? Tom Brokaw? Tom Hanks? etc. (Thanks to Political Animal for the steer -- hah.)[Hey, this bolding … [Read more...]