George Lakoff makes a useful contribution to the current U.S. politicaldebate by applying the linguistic understanding of frames ("mentalstructures that shape the way we see the world") to the strugglebetween Democrats and … [Read more...]
Trav lays out his agenda
State Senate President Robert Travaglini explains here what he plans to do in the upcoming legislative session. The speech is predictably relatively short on specifics, but there are a few promising nuggets at which to … [Read more...]
Shank attack
See, old habits die hard, and Globe sportsgrouch Dan "Shank" Shaughnessy can't let a little old World Series Championship (let's say that again ... "World Series Championship" ...) get in the way of some sniping at our … [Read more...]
Williams’ record catches up with him
Dan Kennedy has dug out some of Armstrong Williams' old columns to see whether the $240,000 he was taking from the Department of Education might have had just the teensiest effect on what he was writing. The results are, in a word, … [Read more...]
Mitt to UMass: DROP DEAD
Let us harbor no illusions about who is pro-education: Republicans from the President and Congress all the way down have told colleges and their students, past and present, to go @#!% themselves. (For instance, here's a list of current … [Read more...]
24 is back!
Fox's TV show "24" has been one of my favorite shows for the last three years, and now it's about to start its fourth season (Sunday night at 8 pm).This year, though, some are seeing more in 24 than just a really good TV … [Read more...]
More on Novak
This article from Washington Monthly is a great read. It's an eye-opening look at how a douchebag of liberty like Robert Novak has managed to commit a truly disgraceful and unpatriotic act -- publicly disclosing the name of an … [Read more...]
Real electoral college reform
Let's first lay some groundwork. Under the Constitution, a group of people called "electors" -- not the people at large -- elect the President and Vice President. Each state gets a number of electors equal to the … [Read more...]