The NY Daily News reports here that VP (and, alas, VP-elect) Dick Cheney has selected the song "Let the Eagle Soar," by outgoing Attorney General John Ashcroft, to be performed at his inauguration. If you've never seen the … [Read more...]
Be afraid, be very afraid
Josh Marshall has the full text of the leaked memo from Karl Rove's deputy regarding the administration's strategy to destroy Social Security. It's all scary, but the scariest part is the paragraph on tactics:Our strategy will … [Read more...]
Curious commentaries
The yakkity-yak over Clarence Thomas and all other matters relating to the possibly-soon-to-be-vacant Chief Justice's seat continues apace. Two of today's commentaries caught my eye.First, John Yoo (Berkeley law prof, former Thomas … [Read more...]
No torture?? Oh, NOW he tells us.
Gonzales promises non-torture policy. ["Well why the hell did I nominate him, then?"]Tune in tomorrow to watch the fur fly. He may get confirmed anyway (a forgone conclusion, according to many Dems). It's yet more kryptonite to … [Read more...]
U.S. Is Global Skinflint
TheU.S. is being a bad neighbor in the face of one of the worst naturaldisasters in history. Bush is scrambling to portray each successiveinadequate offer, first $15 million, then $35 and now $350 million, asthe best the millionaire in his … [Read more...]
Give ’em enough rope… to climb down
(Read the Guinness chalkboard on the picture at right: it's from May '04. Cambridge City Hall is in the background.)With Sal DeMasi now in charge of the House, and Travaglini on the wedding circuit, it would seem that the prospects of the … [Read more...]
Good luck with that, Christie
From the publisher's note to Christine Todd Whitman's new book: The Republican party is embroiled in a heated and high-stakes battle between its far-right and moderate wings -- with conservatives declaring open warfare on the moderates who … [Read more...]
“See Mitt run”
That's the title of this Joan Vennochi column in today's Boston Globe, which generally makes it pretty obvious that the Mittster is running for President in 2008 (not that we were ever in any doubt about that). In the column, His … [Read more...]