Senate Democratic leader-elect Harry Reid (D-Nev.) apparently could support Scalia for Chief Justice, but considers Thomas an "embarrassment." Liberal groups dutifully expressed outrage, as did pro-Thomas conservatives.Is … [Read more...]
Can an Attorney General win?
Item: the no-nonsense Attorney General of a blue state has decided to take on the incumbent "moderate" Republican Governor in 2006. I'm actually talking about New York's Eliot Spitzer, who has just made it official, but it … [Read more...]
Things that make you say “hmm…”
The LA Times reports on the increasing prevalence of adult "superstores" in rural America, primarily near off-ramps of interstate highways (hat tip to How Appealing).The story reminds me of the time I spent driving around rural … [Read more...]
What he (I) said
I agree with Atrios on the Michael Moore-shunning nonsense. I don't care about Moore in particular, but it's ridiculous to think that he's costing us votes, any more than Bill O'Reilly costs the Republicans votes. That's not why the good … [Read more...]
More red state “values” – lol!
As we've already noted, Massachusetts - the bluest of the blue states, we're proud to say - has the lowest divorce rate in the country. Now it turns out that the blues again put the reds to shame when it comes to teen … [Read more...]
Romney Embraces Religious Right in Iowa
The November issue of Boston magazine highlighted Romney's efforts to underline his hard-line fundamentalist religious position on gay marriage as he prepares for a 2008 Presidential bid. In Iowa, Boston reported, "The first question … [Read more...]
The Next Chief Justice (part 2)
So why in the world do I think it would be a good thing for President Bush to name Justice Scalia or Thomas as ailing Chief Justice Rehnquist's successor?For two reasons. First, because Bush will have to burn an enormous quantity of … [Read more...]
Mansfield Republicans Backed by Romney Turn Christmas Into Hate
Mansfield Republicans, picking up on Romney's efforts to use religious extremism for political advantage, have made it clear that non-Christians are not welcome at their holiday party this year. "Do you insist on saying "Merry … [Read more...]