Lynch has had considerable experience with affordable-housing issues and 40B specifically for a couple of decades. His city has successfully added to the stock of middle-class and lower affordable units. Yet, he doesn't see 40B as a … [Read more...]
Repealing Chapter 40B: Why it’s the only way to create real affordable housing!
The developers have good reason to spend so much money protecting 40B, it is their cash cow. Inspector General Gregory Sullivan estimated that more than $100,000,000 was owed back to cities and towns in 40B fraud. In order to … [Read more...]
Get your property tax bill yet?
Bottom line, land is a most taxable quantity and this year's push has valued Uncle Bill's "land" at full buildable lot "value" and hit him with a 300% increase. It matters not that the entire piece is 90% underwater now due to those … [Read more...]