Recognizing that controlling health care costs is a shared responsibility, the bill provides oversight of health insurance company and provider rates by the Division of Insurance and the Division of Health Care Finance and Policy, … [Read more...]
Governor Patrick wins unprecedented concessions from public employee unions
PATRICK-MURRAY ADMINISTRATION ANNOUNCES UNION AGREEMENTS TO SAVE TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, PROTECT KEY SERVICES National Association of Government Employees Units, 1, 3 and 6, and Massachusetts Organization of State Engineer and … [Read more...]
Memo to Charlie Baker: don’t whine or sulk when reporters ask you questions.
You were the Secretary of Administration and Finance -- the state's top financial officer, and one of the two or three most powerful people in state government after the Gov and Lt. Gov! You were one of 50? Your approval meant … [Read more...]
Charlie Baker thinks the earth is warming. Wait – no he doesn’t. Wait – maybe it is. Wait – what?
For your enjoyment, we're pleased to present this round-up of Charlie Baker's views (and I do mean views, plural) on global warming. And these are all in the span of about two weeks! Impressive. (NB: YouTube seems to be on the … [Read more...]
Charlie Baker agrees that the science shows global temperature levels are rising. Maybe.
On an irritatingly non-embeddable video at WBZ, Charlie Baker had this nugget on global warming. We should all rely on the fact that most of the science agrees that temperatures are rising, CO2 levels are rising, and it would probably be a … [Read more...]
And with that, the Globe’s love affair with Charlie Baker came to an end
Charlie Baker's hilariously embarrassing efforts to avoid antagonizing the Jeff Jacoby wing of the climate change "debate" while still appearing to be a reasonable, electable-in-MA Republican have bitten him on the tuchus. Here's … [Read more...]
Cahill Runs Right
As a Democrat likely supporting Charlie Baker, I may be too quick to see rainbows in what could arguably be a rain cloud. However, as insignificant as these picks generally are, Loscocco gives Baker more room to pick up disillusioned … [Read more...]
Is it true? Tisei for Lieutenant Governor?
According to RedMassGroup, Charlie Baker will announce tomorrow that he has tapped State Senate Minority Leader Richard Tisei to be his running mate. I'll let you read the amusing debate happening at RMG over the value of a pro-choice, … [Read more...]
Comment of the day
Today's winner: sabutai. "With Baker, I know what I'm getting" Yes, there's a campaign slogan for troubled times... Yr. Obedient Servant, Peter Porcupine, Republican by: Peter Porcupine @ Wed Nov 04, 2009 at 11:46:11 AM EST I didn't say it … [Read more...]
“Crisis into catastrophe?” Not so fast.
One of Charlie Baker's big lines in his opening forays into the Governor's race was that, by doing unspecified bad things, the Democratic leadership of Massachusetts, and (of course) Governor Patrick specifically, made a national economic … [Read more...]