There will be the biggest ever rally against the NSA down in DC this coming Saturday at 12pm-3pm - over 3,000 4,000 people have already signed up. I'll be heading down there Saturday morning, and it would be great if BMGers would be willing … [Read more...]
Senator Kennedy’s Civil Rights Legacy
Kennedy's very first speech in the Senate in April 1964 proved an excellent preview for the rest of his political life. Speaking about the civil rights bill, and referencing his brother's death, he said: "No memorial oration or eulogy could … [Read more...]
Lacking Firepower?
There is, in fact, a plan to arm certain divisions of the BPD with the guns, bringing up a cavalcade of issues regarding the use of said weapons. There could be circumstances in which the use of these weapons is called for, and nobody one … [Read more...]