For more then a month I have been calling for AIG to be cut lose from the taxpayers, the level of obligation that I suggested far exceeded the capacity for our government to pay with out leaving little to continue to support the safety net … [Read more...]
AIG a watershed or waterloo for President Obama time will tell
Yet neither he nor Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner nor President Obama have demanded nor required the dismissal of the leadership of this corporation that is likely to be the key to the financial meltdown. Instead it appears that the fear of … [Read more...]
Is AIG too big to save?
Last night we learned that AIG would have "made available" to it another $30 billion in taxpayer funds. The government also loosened the repayment terms on the at least $150 billion already down the AIG rabbit hole, because otherwise … [Read more...]
AIG should file for Bankruptcy, and Geitner, you’re wrong: Nationalize the banks
It is time for some tough love and time for the American taxpayers to just say no to more money going to AIG and the banks. Currently we are collectively on the hook for 2-3 Trillion by my last count and we are approaching the edge of the … [Read more...]
Turn on a light, Economics 101; Tarp money myths and misstatements. With Poll
Let me preface the discussion with the comments that preceded her statements, Peggy Noonan was criticizing the outlandish bonuses that were received during the time when these banks were making high risk bets that have ultimately cost you … [Read more...]
The Arrogance!
The arrogance of these directors! As the Lehman Brothers debacle showed, the Fed was not rescuing AIG because AIG "deserved" to be rescued. The Fed was rescuing AIG--exercising its powers under Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act for … [Read more...]
With McCain it’s personal
But, it is not corrupt, greedy, or excessive to want to make more money. In fact, it's the same desire to make money that animates the small business owners that McCain is so fond of praising. If you are not always looking for ways to make … [Read more...]