Now my first thought, having been to Wisconsin and witnessing first hand the generous and polite character of that area of the country, was to wonder if these teapartyers are simply more polite than others and that this left an opening to … [Read more...]
Arlen Specter’s Impact on Al Franken
{First, a cheap plug for my blog Senate Guru.} Before Arlen Specter's Party switch announcement yesterday, the Senate's Democratic caucus stood at 58 members. Senator-elect Al Franken represented Democrats' 59th vote toward cloture, … [Read more...]
MN-Sen: Make Norm Coleman Go Away for Just One Dollar a Day
{First, a cheap plug for my blog Senate Guru.} Even in Massachusetts, I'm sure you've heard plenty about what's going on with the still-unsettled Senate race in Minnesota. While Republican Norm Coleman prolongs his endless and pointless … [Read more...]