Some conservatives are desperately trying to besmirch the ever growing "Occupy Wall Street Movement" as something other than a grass roots movement and some have gone so far as to say that America's newest grass roots movement is trying to … [Read more...]
The Pathos of Denial
You know as far as being honest about the role of the Koch brothers in Scott Walker's anti-union efforts, it's been more than somewhat amusing to see the elaborate kabuki dance of denial, self delusion and double talk that has emerged on … [Read more...]
The Proof of the Pudding Concerning the Koch Brothers
A few days ago I posted "Scott Walker, Conservative Hero Propped Up By the Koch Brothers" wherein which I laid out the bare facts behind the brothers Koch and their involvement in the anti-public employee union battles currently taking … [Read more...]
Scott Walker, Conservative Hero Propped Up By the Koch Brothers
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has been heralded by some as a conservative hero, a man of the grass roots if you will, who is attempting to bring order to the financial woes of the state by crushing the public employee unions. The Governor … [Read more...]
Of Snowstorms, Conspiracies and Tea Parties
I have more than a few Tea Party adherents in my family who, prior to this summer, used to make a habit of sending me every little headline about how cold and snowy it was and how those "facts" proved that global warming was a fallacy being … [Read more...]