For those who might have seen the movie or read the book "A Clockwork Orange", the principle underlying the Rotenberg Center is almost exactly the same as that which was behind fictional Alexander DeLarge's treatment. The only difference is … [Read more...]
BREAKING NEWS – The Strollers are coming tomorrow, Governor Patrick!
Early Intervention has called for a "stroller-in" to Governor Patrick's office tomorrow, 3/1/10. Kids in strollers don't vote - but their parents sure do. Here is what I am told that the Patrick Administration is considering: … [Read more...]
Why I favor the Public Option, and a plea for a band-aid in the meantime
I favor supporting the Public Option for a couple of reasons, or maybe three: o Realistically, it's all we're going to get this time 'round. o NOT having it would make a total mockery of healthcare reform, imho. … [Read more...]
Autism Speaks DOES NOT speak for me!
Many of us who are blessed with being autistic rankle at the term "disorder" -- our condition is a part of the natural order of things, and is, perhaps a "different" order, if you will. I find this latest video by Autism Speaks to be quite … [Read more...]
House budget went online at noon – see link
Here is the link: I suggest reading the Executive Summary. Frankly, I am impressed. Despite having a shorter than usual time frame, Rep. Charles Murphy, the new Chairman of the Ways and … [Read more...]
Massachusetts Autism Insurance Reform Bill
Autism Insurance Reform Bill (HB 0067_001) has been submitted by Representative Barbara A. L'Italien (D-42) and Senator Frederick Berry (D-7). The bill will require private healthcare policies to provide coverage of the … [Read more...]
Micheal Savage tells autisitic kids “Don’t act like a moron” – Stigma lives!
For a good site on Autism, I recommend the Autism Foundation: For the neurology of autism: Here is the Center for Disease Control site on … [Read more...]