For more then a month I have been calling for AIG to be cut lose from the taxpayers, the level of obligation that I suggested far exceeded the capacity for our government to pay with out leaving little to continue to support the safety net … [Read more...]
Bailout and the Banks: Time for Nationalization
I have never been one for protectionism, as the grandson on an Irish Immigrant, I firmly believe in an open door policy, yet like the challenges my grandfather faced the United States can only hold the hope that opportunity offers. Not a … [Read more...]
Economics 101: Why I now believe it is time to nationalize our Banks
Ok maybe you got a clue from the title but if you missed it here are the details. It seems Citigroup was concerned about not having enough corporate jets to satisfy their executives so with a portion of the bail out money they received in … [Read more...]
Turn on a light, Economics 101; Tarp money myths and misstatements. With Poll
Let me preface the discussion with the comments that preceded her statements, Peggy Noonan was criticizing the outlandish bonuses that were received during the time when these banks were making high risk bets that have ultimately cost you … [Read more...]
Freddie and Fannie were NOT bailed out – they were nationalized – isn’t that socialist?
Reuters: [no dividends] Housing Note: This is no longer the worst housing crisis since the Great Depression, this is the worst housing crisis, … [Read more...]