Michelle has said that she fell in love with Barack because of his connection with people. She said that he connected with people as an organizer on Chicago's south side, and that he became a civil rights attorney because he was interested … [Read more...]
Sen. Obama on the Web and in the Union Leader
Sen. Barack Obama: Five years after Iraq war vote, we're still foolishly rattling our sabersBy SEN. BARACK OBAMAPosted at http://www.unionlead...ON THE FIFTH anniversary of the Senate's vote to authorize an open-ended war in Iraq, we should … [Read more...]
How SEIU Early State Endorsements Are Likely to Play Out
So, as a short follow up to yesterday's post on the decision by SEIU to be neutral at a national level and let its state-level organizations make up their own minds, here's some intel on where at least one insider believes states might go. … [Read more...]
Photo Blog: Barack Obama’s Speaking Style in New Hampshire
Obama showed up on time, wearing a light blue pinpoint oxford cloth shirt, open at the collar, sleeves rolled up. He breezed through a prepared speech about his energy policy, including initiatives for clean and alternative energy. The … [Read more...]
New Obama TV Ad – “Quiet”
The Obama Campaign: “If We Believe…”
For the latest in the campaign's efforts across the country and right here in New Hampshire, check out the NH Obama campaign blog at nh.barackobama.com.Tim FoleyProud to be a New Hampshire staff member for Barack Obama's movement for … [Read more...]
Democrats in Favor of Sanctuary Cities
I'm glad that Joe Biden mentioned the town in this New York Times article. After Riverside, New Jersey, implemented a local anti-migrant ordinance, it wreaked havoc on the town. Migrants left in droves and businesses suffered. So, recently … [Read more...]
Obama’s first NH TV ad – “Believe”
Today we are providing you a sneak peak at our new television ad. Barack continues his dialogue with voters, talking to them about believing in him, believing in themselves and change we can believe in.Tomorrow our ad will begin airing … [Read more...]
Michelle Obama and WAL-MART
But the real reason I oppose him is his wife's deep connections to WAL-MART. Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times published an article about this highly controversial connection in May. According to Sweet, Michelle Obama is no … [Read more...]
Why Has John Edwards Raised So Much Less Money Than Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama?
The reasons for Clinton's historical fundraising levels are well-known. She is a major national player in the Democratic Party, was first lady for eight years, has been elected to the US Senate twice, and her husband was President of … [Read more...]