The Wikipedia explanation of when a Corporation is - and is not a person has some good bibliography. Essentially, though, a "legal fiction" is when due to case law or settled custom, courts and government pretend something untrue is … [Read more...]
second bill of rights
FDR's second bill of rights It is our duty now to begin to lay the plans and determine the strategy for the winning of a lasting peace and the establishment of an American standard of living higher than ever before known. We cannot be … [Read more...]
The bill of rights is a Good Thing
As we wait, maybe with a little trepidation, for the ruling in the Heller case, the Supreme Court's first look in recent decades at the Second Amendment, it's worth remembering why our sometimes pesky Bill of Rights, with its protections … [Read more...]
Double plus ungood
Christmas in August for Bush, who signs a bill that creates a new law that allows his SS to spy on anyone he feels like without any mamby-pamby legal eggsperts putting in their two cents.Anyone feel safer?Anyone feel watched?What the eff is … [Read more...]