So as we know, the Wonderland dog racing track closed down last week, and either 85 or 150 jobs were lost as a result. I spoke to the head of MA's Rapid Response unit, Ken Messina, on Friday, and he told me that his agency has been … [Read more...]
First Gubernatorial Issues Debate WITH POLL
The C. Walsh Theater, Suffolk University 55 Temple Street, Boston Right behind the State House Register Cape Wind has taken on national prominence as a symbol of our nation's efforts to embrace renewable energy, reduce reliance on fossil … [Read more...]
Rasmussen’s latest poll: race is “largely unchanged”
Rasmussen: Massachusetts' spirited gubernatorial contest remains largely unchanged this month, with incumbent Democratic Governor Deval Patrick holding onto a small lead. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the Bay … [Read more...]
Patrick, Baker, Cahill debate on WRKO
&#a0; Listen at WRKO … [Read more...]
Tim Cahill: From Desperate to Despicable, Document the Atrocities
Then again, if I were Tim, I would want to turn the attention from pay to play and patronage to something else. Where's the outrage? Why is this the first post about this? And let's not forget that Charlie Baker piled on … [Read more...]
New Suffolk poll has Patrick way out in front
Very, very good news for Deval Patrick in the latest Suffolk/7News poll. The numbers generally support the findings of the Rasmussen poll that came out a couple of weeks ago. 500 registered voters, MOE +/- 4.4%, 95% confidence … [Read more...]
Cahill’s redneck play touches off spectacular intra-party row. Apes! Really!!
Weaver sought to praise Barbour and defend Cahill's ad in an email: Different candidates have different perspectives and strategists don't always agree with every decision a campaign makes. I can't blame Tim Cahill for not appreciating $1 … [Read more...]
Cahill plays the redneck card
Really quite wonderful. UPDATE: Politico has picked up on this ad. … [Read more...]
Globe confirms Patrick’s position on state jobs; refutes Baker and Cahill
State Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill, a former Democrat running as an independent, issued a statement saying, "We have yet to see costs brought down in state payroll because there have been very few if any reductions in the state workforce,'' … [Read more...]
Quixotry redux: Cahill vs. the windmills
Of the thousands of posts I've written for BMG, one of my personal favorites is this one, entitled "Quixotry," in which I used the news that a Lexington man had set a new world record in competitive Scrabble by playing "quixotry" for 365 … [Read more...]