Now, I think any sensible reading of any poll or any financial report in the MA-05 race would say that Tsongas will be very tough to beat. That being said, what was up with 'BUR's Fred Thys' report for All Things Considered on the race? It … [Read more...]
HELLO, Big Dig Culture!
Here's your legislature's idea of the "public interest": Taking special interest cash to finance an awesome party!State House lobbyists, their well-heeled clients, and corporations with financial interests on Beacon Hill donated more than … [Read more...]
The carefully considered gaffe
So, this week, Hillary Clinton strongly defended the taking of money from lobbyists. Those lobbyists, after all, represent "real people" -- nurses, social workers and so forth. They also represent pharmaceutical companies, health insurance … [Read more...]
The One Issue: Meehan was a progressive.
(via Dick Howe) Columnist Mark Shields writes about Marty Meehan's major legacy in Congress: Getting enormous soft-money contributions -- i.e. millions in legalized bribes -- out of politics. We need to remember that money's domination of … [Read more...]
sco interviews Niki Tsongas
sco's interview with MA-05 candidate Niki Tsongas is up at .08 Acres. Give it a read.You will notice that Tsongas' health care talking points have not changed, nor been fleshed out at all. For instance, sco asks "What would you like to see … [Read more...]
Yeah, but what are they going to do with all that $$$?
First quarter fundraising totals are out, and the cause of much interest in the blogorati. I'm pretty bored by the particulars, so I'll point you Kos-way if you want to know about the controversy as to whether Hillary can spend her haul in … [Read more...]
Campaign finance is everything. Until it isn’t.
cherrymapin put something in her post below that really bears repeating and amplifying:This brings me to a pet issue of mine. It seems to me that an awful lot of what's wrong in the US right now is the result of corporate interest … [Read more...]
Marty’s Millions
Why doesn't Meehan give all his campaign money to UMass, Lowell? Can he do that legally?I can think of no better way he can demonstrate that he's committed to the school. It would take away speculation that he's going to jump at another … [Read more...]
The real reason why the call bugged me
I've stated my immediate objections to Patrick's phone call: I think it's an improper use of the Governor's time, reputation and authority of office. But there's some subtext to this that I think may not be apparent. One of the reasons why … [Read more...]
Romney and the strategy that only a campaign finance lawyer could love
TESTING THE LIMITSHow Mitt Romney Avoided Campaign-Finance Rules Governor Found Way Around Federal Caps Before Presidential BidBy JEANNE CUMMINGS January 30, 2007; Page A1WASHINGTON -- Federal law limits how much money individuals can give … [Read more...]