With Senator Dan Wolf announcing he won’t run for re-election, the Cape & Islands senate seat is very much in play for 2016. The GOP, having won back the First Barnstable seat in the House, would like to recapture the senate seat also. … [Read more...]
First Barnstable Matters- Let’s Get Zawadzkas Elected
Cape Cod Democrats don't always get a lot of attention. It's a lot of geography to cover for not as many voters as you can get to in a more defined area. That said, I always take the Howard Dean approach of you run everywhere, there is no … [Read more...]
5 Ways Climate Changes are Hammering Cape Cod This Summer
How is global warming changing Cape Cod? Sean Gonsalves of the Cape Cod Times lists five ways, concluding: 5) New waterfront property. "Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps" are being released by the Federal Emergency Management … [Read more...]
Cape Wind Opponents Rotate in New Puppet Spokesman
Cape Wind's big money opponents like to change up the names of their front groups and the names of their spokespeople pretty regularly. By refusing to admit funding sources, they can usually sucker a few news outlets into taking the front … [Read more...]
Offshore Wind Critical to Protecting Cape Cod’s Future
When Cape Wind begins construction, it will be the leading edge of an offshore wind industry that's already created 35,000 jobs in Europe. As Cape Wind's Hannah Wood writes in the Cape Cod Times, those jobs are critical to a region in … [Read more...]
67% of CapeCodTODAY readers say Scott Brown is a liar about his sexual abuse claim
How do you feel about Sen. Brown's abuse story coming out just as his book tour begins? Readers ask why he supported Jeff Perry rather than the undage girls who were sexually abused by a Patrolman under Jeff Perry's direct … [Read more...]
Sen. Dan Wolf’s challenge to Democrats on Wisconsin
Sen. Dan Wolf challenges us to "do the right thing" [cct] "We as Democrats need to be feeling 'fire in the belly'.Sen. Dan Wolf added, "What's going on in Wisconsin is absolutely not acceptable. It's time to have an … [Read more...]
Ted Blowing Smoke
Winger Note: Right-wing commentators and bloggers deserve some sort of doggedness award for their recurring attacks on Ted for the 40-year-old Chappaquiddick wreck that caused the death of campaign worker Mary Jo Kopechne. As the driver, he … [Read more...]
Is the solution to the Cape’s labor problem the unemployed youth and young adults of Boston ?
In the "City and Region" Section of today's Boston Globe, side by side one article spoke of the Cape being so short of labor that many business owners are closing weeks early, waiting tables themselves, dropping lunch from their … [Read more...]
More pie coming Patrick’s way
Speaking of hostility on the Cape: Our "Hope and a Hug" Guv says Massholes need to stop being such, well, Massholes, and show tourists a good time:HYANNIS ? When Gov. Deval Patrick first came to Massachusetts to attend high school, he … [Read more...]