An true act of contrition or a cynical attempt to explain away a whooping mistake? Clark Regrets Vote for DiMasi/The Time to Act is Now It looks like at least one member of the House is recognizing her exposure in voting for the former … [Read more...]
Wes Clark’s stock just shot WAY up
Wes Clark explains to skeptical pundits (including local boy Mike Barnicle) why, exactly, John McCain's national security credentials aren't really much better than Barack Obama's. Very impressive. Watch it, and then think about … [Read more...]
General Wesley Clark endorses Hillary for president
Interesting.Today, I am proud to announce my endorsement of Senator Hillary Clinton as President of the United States.Senator Hillary Clinton has earned the support of millions of Americans in her campaign for president -- and today I am … [Read more...]
Basics for Presidential Campaign Discussions (aka Silly Season)
Proposed Guidelines1. Careful with using your personal opinion as a "fact". Always dangerous ground in politics, but your own personal like or dislike of a candidate does not mean that your view is the prevailing view, even if that view is … [Read more...]