posed a survey question this afternoon that drew over 15,000 votes related to filling the US Senate seat. (The site electronically restricts votes to one per person) of 7 PM, the results were: Who should take the US Senate … [Read more...]
Six Degrees of Suffolk Downs
At the Statehouse. And way too early. Uncomfortable flashbacks to the Spring of 2008 and Gardner Auditorium, with it's tortuous tier of blue carpeted bleachers along the back wall, and where I (sort of) experienced democracy in … [Read more...]
Meet a delegate: Attorney General Martha Coakley
Attorney General Martha Coakley was kind enough to sit down with me for a few minutes after this morning's MA delegation breakfast (which was quite a show -- more on that later). AG Coakley spoke about what an Obama presidency will … [Read more...]
Draft Martha Coakley for US Senate
"Turning the page on the politics of the past...." What a good idea! Atty. General Martha Coakley is doing a great question about that...but,couldn't her skills be put to better use as our United States Senator? She … [Read more...]
Big Dig settlement: What should we think?
So, we're getting $458 million from Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff et al. $100 million is going to be spent immediately. The contractors are released from criminal liability, and not prohibited from working on MA projects in the … [Read more...]
Mortgage Madness
Attorney General Coakley has promulgated new regulations that would forbid mortgage lenders and brokers from making a loan unless they have a reasonable belief that the buyer will be able to repay.My reaction: What kind of a world do we … [Read more...]
"Why is this self-avowed citadel of diversity such a hostile political environment for women and black candidates, notwithstanding the unexpected 2006 election of our first African-American governor?"-- Jon Keller, The Bluest … [Read more...]
Who was responsible for the Big Dig Tunnel collapse?
Cross-posted from the Accountable Strategies blogOne is tempted to ask whether she will be satisfied at that point. But if she gets one conviction or 10 convictions, will that make our highway and tunnel system safer? Will … [Read more...]
A rush to judgment in the Big Dig tunnel collapse
Cross-posted from the Accountable Strategies BlogPowers Fasteners may well be guilty of all of these charges and may deserve to have the book thrown at them. But certainly others are to blame in this mess. Yet from the tenor of … [Read more...]
Just Because He Repeats It, Doesn’t Mean It’s True
I understand the reaction of the first responders. The incident points out some fallibilities within their operating procedures, but I can sympathize with why they are set up the way they are.But Mayor Menino, Governor Patrick, … [Read more...]