Geotherapy not geoengineering, please. "Geotherapy refers to the process of restoring the earth’s health by strengthening natural biogeochemical and physiological mechanisms that regulate the earth’s planetary life support systems and … [Read more...]
Zero Net Energy – December 27, 2020
"Second + Delaware is the largest Passive House building in the world, which means that it uses 80-90% less energy than conventional buildings” Opening in October in Kansas City, … [Read more...]
Yeah Gov! (Patrick’s green record)
From CA's former environmental chief: As mudslides on the west coast and an epic blizzard on the East Coast competed for news coverage last week, nothing could dim the glow of an economic report that contained a remarkable conclusion: … [Read more...]
Massachusetts Community Preservation Act: A New Study
Funds raised under CPA have often been used to leverage borrowing to acquire open space, promote historic preservation, or create affordable housing. For example, a community that raises $100,000 in Community Preservation Act funds annually … [Read more...]
One Billion Bulbs, a great project by a right wing blog
I don't care if you believe global warming is happening, or if you think it can't be stopped. Everybody likes saving money, and CF bulbs do just that. If you're worried about the mercury in the bulb, know that an incandescent … [Read more...]
Why in Chelsea’s Backyard?
The Boston Globe editorial staff weighed in on the misguided proposal for a new peaking diesel plant for downtown Chelsea today with their piece, "To limit Chelsea pollution". As a downwinder of the Salem Power Plant, it's … [Read more...]
Do you REALLY want to wash that NOW?
Unfortunately, this is a rare exception and most people have no idea how much their power costs. Many electricity markets are now deregulated, which is nice in theory. But in order for true competition to flourish, willing … [Read more...]