Dear John: Thanks for your offer to suspend the debate on Friday to focus on the legislative work on the investment bank bailout. While the looming fiscal crisis certainly deserves our attention as senators, I think we both have 90 minutes … [Read more...]
For the love of Pete, just debate the guy!
There's been an unusually large amount of back-and-forth 'round here on the Kerry/O'Reilly debate question. I won't go into the details, which have been amply set forth by beachmom (from the Kerry perspective) and Cambridge_Paul (for … [Read more...]
No Debate About It: He’s Chicken Kerry
Oh, that's right, I posted it! Enough time has passed that Kerry is now officially chicken! Cluck-Cluck John Kerry just responded to O'Reilly's charges that he has been ducking debates. You might be asking yourself, but … [Read more...]
Newburyport News Op-Ed: John Kerry stonewalling debates.
That rang hollow on its face, of course - very hollow. Yes, it was a long four years ago, but surely voters recall how eager Kerry was to debate when he was running to unseat President George W. Bush, and it didn't matter whether the Senate … [Read more...]
Why is Charlie Gibson doing PR for Wall St?
Last night's debate focused on red-herring issues at the expense of 'the #1 issue' on everyone's mind - the economy. But in one of the few moments when the debate turned to the economy, Charlie Gibson chose to push the idea that cutting the … [Read more...]
Patrick’s debut on the national stage
Gov. Patrick will introduce the Democratic presidential candidates tomorrow night on the PBS debate, 9pm. Clearly, the party wants to show him off as the face of something fresh and new, and somehow representative of the Dems these days. … [Read more...]
CNN has announced that its upcoming debates among the Democratic (June 3) and Republican (June 5) presidential candidates will not carry any rebroadcast or redistribution restrictions. From their press release:Due to the historical … [Read more...]
Action item: call the DNC and RNC to support free rebroadcast of debates
LETTER TO DNC Chairman Howard DeanDemocratic National Committee430 S. Capitol St. SEWashington, DC 20003(202) 863-8000Chairman Dean:We are writing to request that the Democratic National Committee help usher in the next stage of the … [Read more...]
Debate open thread
Hoo boy, this is a nasty one so far. Ross just took Healey to task for "re-traumatizing" women who have been victims of sexual assault. Ouch.Whaddya got?UPDATE: All right, I don't have much to say about this, since it seems like most of it … [Read more...]
Notes on tonight’s debate
UPDATE: Sound files from tonight's post-debate press gaggle:Kerry Healey (She was first out -- I only caught the last part of her remarks.)Christy MihosDeval PatrickGrace RossSorry this didn't get up sooner. Here are some quick hits from … [Read more...]