Congratulations to Scott Brown in his history making upset victory in Massachusetts, it surely shows that no seat is safe or certain in the age of the independent voter or amid the shifting tides of anti-incumbent sentiments. The one thing … [Read more...]
The next State Senator
Tom Birmingham served in the State Senate for 10 years. After 4 years, he was chosen by his colleagues to serve as Senate President. He had a raft of accomplishments: He passed the landmark Education Reform Act of 1993, which has brought … [Read more...]
It’s the Values, Stupid
By Lee Harrison, Chairman, Berkshire Brigades and Member, Democratic State Committee Once again, they're partying like its 1928 on Wall St. Indeed, three of the banks that took government handouts last year - Goldman, Morgan Stanley, … [Read more...]
The next American political party?
Some of the frustrations and disappointments that American Indendent Voters feel are, but are not limited to: 1. The undue and unstoppable power of incumbancy. In our own state, we have the fewest unopposed races in any … [Read more...]
Activism, 2009
(Cross-posted from Blue News Tribune. Blame sabutai for putting me in a metamood.) Here is something I am tempted to call misguided activism: http://www.jennymccarthybodyco... But is it? It certainly gets one's attention. It got me thinking … [Read more...]
Dem Convention Rejects Bland
The convention was there funnelled into the more painful procedure of per-plank amendments plus resolutions. In the end, this may have worked OK or better. There was a vote to reject casino slots, after all. Of course, that could have been … [Read more...]
Tomorrow’s convention
As you know (or if you don't, you should!) tomorrow is the state Democratic party's "issues convention." Big item on the agenda: whether to amend and/or adopt the new platform that we've been hearing so much about. Also worth … [Read more...]
On platforms and paper footballs
But a process of true transparency would have provided a version of the platform for consideration by all who participated, including those who posted language. I am one of those who did participate, wrote language, showed up to my City … [Read more...]
Honoring Kate Donaghue at the MW Dems Breakfast
Kate plays an important role here on BMG, always available to answer questions about arcane Democratic Party processes. Many people rely on her Democratic Dispatch to keep them informed about Democratic events across the state. … [Read more...]
Senator Wilkerson
Hi All: This September, my wife and I and my twin 18 month old sons attended the joint Ward 11 and 19 Democratic Committee forum for the candidates vying for election in the Massachusetts Democratic Primary. … [Read more...]