Check C-SPAN, if you don't have access to CT stations."Stay the course: that's not a winning strategy in Iraq, and it's not a winning strategy for America.""A few things we gotta do. First, we've got a health care system in this … [Read more...]
Lieberman concedes the race to Lamont; says he will run in November as an independent
Speech ongoing now.Thanks supporters, says they made it a "much closer race than all the pundits were predicting." Hmm - an odd spin on a race he was supposed to walk away with. Whatever.HE HAS JUST CONCEDED THE RACE TO NED … [Read more...]
[updated] AP calls the race for Lamont
Current numbers (this will be the last update): with 97.99% reporting, it's Lamont 51.79% (144,005 votes), Lieberman 48.21% (134,026 votes).Source. … [Read more...]
Throw the bums out?
John Daley's thrown down the gauntlet for a Throw The Bums Out movement against the Democratic legislature, in the wake of the failure by the entire MA political establishment to responsibly handle the Big Dig over the last 20 years or … [Read more...]
Mass Dems Phones Disconnected?
I've been trying to get in contact with Mass Dems this morning and all I'm getting is a disconnect message. I'm dialing 617-776-2672. Does anyone have any information about this, or a alternate number to call? I need to … [Read more...]
New post on Liberal Oasis: Obama & Religion
Well, now I've really gone and done it. Here's my new post on Democrats and religion. I've donned my asbestos underoos, so flame away... … [Read more...]
Hillary Clinton puts party before friendship; puts Schumer on the spot
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) has said that, while she hopes her old friend Sen. Joe "Mentum" Lieberman ("D"-CT) wins the Democratic primary, she will not support his promised bid as an independent if he loses to Ned Lamont:"But I want to be … [Read more...]
Vennochi gets passionate
Thanks to Ernie for pointing out today's column by Joan Vennochi, in which she calls for reinstating the draft not so much because we need the soldiers (though we probably do), but because it's the only way we'll ever have an honest debate … [Read more...]
Of honey and vinegar
So, the convention's over, and it certainly seemed like a big success to me. Everybody came off well; we have three decent candidates; several excellent speeches; graciousness all around, including the gracious agreement of the Silbert camp … [Read more...]
Saturday liveblogging the convention
Deb Goldberg speaking: time to get Massachusetts moving again! Yay!*Health care: insurance co. price gouging.*Pay teachers what they deserve. (What do they deserve?)*Cities and towns have been ignored.*Her family grew supermarket chain, … [Read more...]