The Globe received an anonymous two-page document last week describing the criminal case. The Globe immediately verified the rape conviction and Sigh's residence in Massachusetts and then checked with the sex offender registry to determine … [Read more...]
Deval’s mortgage
Did anyone get the point of the Globe article this morning on Deval's mortgage?I guess they are attempting to import a whiff of impropriety relating to the bank's failure to timely record the mortgage on Deval's property. However, … [Read more...]
Does Deval answer questions?
I have been trying to get Deval to let me know his position on Senate bill 1344. After repeated emails and phone calls I get nothing. Does Deval answer voters questions? I asked the Kerry Healey's and Kristy's Mihos's campaigns and got a … [Read more...]
Curious Deval Critique
Has anyone read Brian McCrory's column in the Globe this morning? "But there is something profoundly and fundamentally wrong with Patrick's letters to the Massachusetts Parole Board on behalf of LaGuer, aggravated by his ever-changing … [Read more...]
Deval Wins By Not Losing
Healey- Came out OK at first, but when the piling on occured she didn't seem able to handle it well. At no point did she lose it, but at very few points did she seem to be in control. The bad news is, she needed to be in control. Her … [Read more...]
Get off yer keister
To some colleagues, I basically said "dont like the whole MCAS/NCLB complex? Stop whining at faculty meetings, get off yer keister and help Deval, who will install a sane regime of measurement as governor." This model can be … [Read more...]
Welcome to Mass Politics
Well, I'm happy to see Deval win. However, stay tuned for "this crazy liberal will raise your taxes" and "only the moonbats support Deval." I can hear Gerry Callahan and Co. already.Are people that stupid? Is every freakin … [Read more...]
Fun quiz — who said what?
How did you do?You may have recognized a few of these. I was forced to leave out the most Reaganesque of Deval's lines because they contain telltale phrases like "checking out" and "checking in" which I've only heard him use to talk … [Read more...]
Gabrieli doesn’t get it
From this morning's Brian McGrory columnI ran into Gabrieli in Brighton a little after 8 a.m. yesterday, before he was aware that Healey was airing the ads. The hint of frustration in his voice was because Patrick was floating ahead in the … [Read more...]
As a new dad, I have very little time to spend thinking about politics. However, I am leaning towards Deval in the primary. Call this the Howard Dean effect. However, in the last national election, we went with … [Read more...]
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